
Neurosurgery of Kansas City's website, neurosurgerykc.com, is maintained as a benefit to its patients and as a service to its community. Neurosurgery of Kansas City strives to keep the information in its website current; however, there is no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy of content.

This site contains medical information; however, no information on the website should be considered in place of medical advice. All questions regarding health should be directed to a physician. This site may include links to other websites; however, Neurosurgery of Kansas City does not endorse or take responsibility for the content or information contained therein.

Copyright 2009 Neurosurgery of Kansas City. All rights reserved. Portions of the website are made available for download for personal, non-commercial use. However, No information from this website may be reproduced, adapted, transmitted, displayed, copied, or distributed, without prior written permission.